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8 Weirdest Houses On Earth

Here is the list of 8 Weirdest Houses On Earth
1. Instrumental House.

2.Shoe House.

3. Seashell House.

4. Upside Down House.

5. Car House.

6. Shapes House.

7. Ice berg House.

8. Fairy Tale house.

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Storseisundet - The Bridge to Nowhere

Nervous drivers (and their equally nervous passengers) beware! You should really prepare yourselves for the sight of Storseisundet Bridge in Norway. The road connection from the mainland Romsdal peninsula to the island of Averøya in Møre og Romsdal county doesn’t look as if it actually connects as you drive towards it. In fact it looks very much as if you are in for an icy bath as you plummet off its 23 meters height.

However, you will be relieved to hear that this is simply something of an optical illusion. The bridge is built in such a way that from a certain angle, as you approach, it looks as it is more diving board than bridge. Known locally as the drunk bridge it forms part of the Atlanterhavsveien or Atlantic Ocean Road in English and attracts many a curious visitor.

Why it is built in this way is a secret lodged in the mind of its architect. It seems to have a different shape from whichever angle you view it which is, perhaps, what makes it so special.

Even when you can see the whole bridge it still looks, frankly, scary.

So, just to allay your nerves, here is the bridge from angles which makes it looks, well, almost like a normal bridge. Almost - but not quite!
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The Sports Police Car Around The World

Whoa… Now the police can chase the thief easily using the sports car. That’s pretty cool! Check out the police’s sports car.
Japan – Nissan Skyline GTR (Godzilla), max speed: 280km/hr
UK – Caparo T1 RRV. Can go from 0 to 100mph in just 5 seconds
UK – Jaguar XF 3.0 Diesel. 0 to 60mph can be hit in just 5.9 seconds
Italy – Lamborghini Gallardo – Max speed 320km/hr
France – Peugeot Sports GT – Max speed 280km/hr
USA – Chevrolet Corvette Ultimate Speed
Spain – Audi TT max speed 280km/hr
Philippine – Max speed not disclosed due to the security reasons
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Unbelievable 7 People Who Cheated Death

But what would you really do if faced with death? How would you react to being dropped out of a plane without a parachute, or buried alive? Well these people survived all of that and more, slapping Death in the face and telling it to go make them a sandwich.

1 ) Alexis Goggins, Invincible Girl
Just an ordinary first grader, attending classes, hanging with her friends. She had to save her mom from some crazy dude. She did this by jumping in front of him and taking six bullets, point blank, including a couple to the head.  It started when some lowlife kidnapped Alexis and her mom (OK, the lowlife was the mom’s boyfriend). The mother tried to stall the bad guy and managed to call 911, but the cops said they couldn’t send anyone. Apparently they were all busy with more messed up situations than a man holding a child hostage at gunpoint.
It was at this point that the gunman decided he should stamp his passport into hell and started shooting. Two bullets struck the mother before little Alexis dove between them, begging the shooter to stop. Without hesitation, he shot six times, little Alexis taking the bullets that would have killed her mother. By this time the cops arrived, as they figured things were getting really serious because now someone was actually shooting.  Alexis thought about dying for a second then decided she still had something to do.
Death could only watch as she grabbed her stuff and headed back to the land of the living, despite some serious injuries that would have killed most of us twice and some of us three times.  This would be jaw-droppingly impressive for a 250-pound Marine combat vet, let alone a seven-year-old girl. And while we would like to cling to our original theory that she’s actually an immortal Highlander, the truth is this seven-year-old girl is simply more man than we’ll ever be.

2 ) Brent Case Has Bear-Proof Skin
A surveyor working up in Canada, which is like the US, but with better beer and fewer guns. Brent was minding his own business while working in the forests of British Columbia when Death came to visit in the form of a 900-pound adult grizzly bear.  Brent was carrying an ax at the time, but that probably doesn’t help a lot against a bear unless it’s the kind of ax that shoots shotgun shells.
Brent, knowing better, decided to play dead.  Unfortunately the bear wasn’t looking for a fair fight and started munching on Brent’s skull. At one point he thought the bear was actually eating his brain. While this may not have been true, from the picture below you can’t blame him for thinking this.  The bear took a few more chunks out of Brent, threw him into a bog and jumped on him WWE-style a few times before saying “Screw it” and walking off leaving Brent for dead.
It should be noted that playing dead still probably saved his life, as bears typically won’t eat an already-dead victim (we’re not sure why, but we think it’s considered dishonorable according to the code all bears live by). Regardless, with his scalp hanging in huge flaps from his skull and bleeding heavily, Brent managed to get up and go for help. He got back to his car and drove 15 miles, covered in blood and bear bites. Death could only stand on the side of the road and shake its fist.

3 ) The Meng Brothers Eat Coal For Breakfast
A coal miner working in China, which is basically like poking Death in the face on a regular basis for a living. Meng Xianchen and Meng Xianyou were working hard in a coal mine when the tunnel they were working in collapsed, burying them alive. Generally coal mines anywhere are not safe places to work, but the Mengs were working in an illegal mine, which meant that the safety budget was probably spent on booze and bribes instead of things like oxygen or emergency training.
After the mines collapsed, a rescue team was sent in to try and dig Meng and his brother out, but then quickly gave up. Their fellow miners then gave it a try, and were promptly arrested for illegal mining, presumably on the basis they could accidentally dig up some coal along with the two human beings trapped under it.  So, trapped underground with no food or water and a system too retarded to save them, everyone gave up hope. The Mengs’ relatives even conducted burial rites at the mine.  The brothers, however, were still alive. Realizing the rescue effort wasn’t coming, the brothers started digging themselves out.
Armed with only one pickaxe and their bare hands, they tunneled their way through 66 feet of coal.  In between making jokes about each other’s wives and drinking their own urine, they also tried chomping on some coal to take the edge off their hunger. According to Meng, coal tastes great when you’re starving to death. Otherwise it tastes like ass.  Once they pulled themselves to the surface, Meng Xianchen and Meng Xianyou gave Death the double bird salute and gave the officials who called off the rescue a hard stare. Then they went to the hospital, where Meng Xianchen said he crapped coal for a few days.

4 ) Poon Lim, Cast Away
He was steward on a British ship during World War II, with an unfortunate first name, at least by Western standards. The ship he was working on was blown up by the Germans. Being total assholes, the Germans did this while the ship was far away from land. Surviving the explosion was no biggie for Poon, but it forced him to climb into a life raft and hang out until he was rescued … 133 days later.
At first there was water in the raft and a few boxes of biscuits. But these ran out quickly and Poon had to get all MacGyver and make himself some fish hooks out of nails and tin cans to catch fish to survive.  Between doing awesome stuff like catching sharks and drinking the blood of birds he caught, he also had to deal with sunburn, seasickness and storms that wrecked his food and water supplies. Eventually he figured he needed to catch more food. For us that would mean more fish. For Poon it meant catching a shark. For Death it meant Poon was not going down easy.   Toothy death or lunch?
Depends on who you are.  He could have been rescued sooner but another German U-boat that spotted him offered no help. It was at this point that Poon began to suspect that the Nazis were dicks.  He finally sailed near Brazil and was rescued by some fishermen, and these days the US Navy teaches his survival techniques to its sailors.

5 ) Jim Thompson POW and Legendary Bad egg
Jim was just a store clerk, until he decided he could probably impress more girls by telling them he was a Green Beret, which he became. During the Vietnam War, Jim was captured and held as a prisoner of war, at which time he was beaten and tortured. The time we’re speaking of by the way was a period of nine years, giving him a pretty bittersweet record for being held as a POW.  His plane was shot down in 1964, with Jim taking a bullet and breaking his back in the process. Surviving that part would have been enough of a harrowing story for most people to tell for the rest of their lives. But it was a long way from over for Jim.
After being captured, Jim was held in a jungle camp and jammed into a wooden cage too small for him to sit up or fully stretch out. For months his captors wanted him to sign papers saying that he was treated well. Jim told them to get off and in return was beaten and tortured some more.
As a reward, he was moved into solitary confinement for four years. He was finally moved into a prison with other prisoners which was great, except that the beatings and torture continued, which pretty much blew. At one point during his captivity, he became so weak that he suffered a heart seizure. Realizing he needed his heart to live, Jim survived that scare and even managed to escape five times.
The time took its toll on Jim though and it looked like Death would win this one. Another prisoner who saw Jim reported that he thought the enemy had placed a corpse in the cell next door. However, Death forgot the fact the Jim was a Green Beret and he held on until he was finally released in 1973. He weighed 90 pounds.  Thompson unfortunately succumbed to death shortly after his release. And by “shortly” we mean 30 years later, of natural causes, in Florida.

6 ) Aron Ralston Hacks Off His Own Arm
A mechanical engineer at Intel. You know those engineers are renowned for being tough guys. No biggie, all he did was take a hike in the woods and came out five days later, missing an arm, which he had to cut off himself.  Seems Aron was big on mountain climbing, which by itself is pretty manly, but not enough to get him on this list. Except during this particular hike a boulder fell on him, pinning his arm. For five days he worked to push the rock off and finally realized he would die unless he took drastic action.
Because the prospect of cutting off your arm may not impress some of you hardcore readers, we need to point out that he first had to break his arm by snapping it against the same rock pinning him down. Then came the hard part, cutting through the flesh.  Lucky for Aron he had a multi-use tool. Unluckily for Aron it was a piece of crap knock-off that he probably got from an aunt at Christmas.
Plus saying that he was lucky to have the tool to cut through his arm is kind of like saying you’re lucky to have Chapstick on your lips while your head is on fire.  Death wasn’t about to give up easily though, and after cutting through the flesh, Aron had to use the pliers to cut through the tendons that the knife couldn’t cut.

7 ) Vesna Vulovic 1, Mountain 0
Vesna Vulovic was a stewardess back in the ’70s working on a Serbian airline. Except for surviving countless ass gropings during her time as a stewardess there was really nothing special about this lady. Oh yeah, except for the fact that she fell 33,000 feet and lived to tell the tale.  On January 26, 1972 our gal was working an extra shift due to a clerical error. She took the shift anyway to earn a little extra scratch, probably to supplement her bear-wrestling hobby or something. Anyway, some terrorists decided to blow up her plane and succeeded in doing so at the worst possible time, when the plane was really high up in the air.
Not only did she survive the explosion that blew the plane into pieces, but she was the only person to live after hitting the side of the mountain. Normally this would totally suck by itself, but it was winter so the mountain was also frozen which probably made it feel like she hit it after falling 33,000 and 10 feet.  Now because we’re talking about reality and not a cartoon, she did in fact break a bunch of bones and fell into a coma, but when she woke up she looked around and asked for a cigarette.
Apparently flipping Death the bird really gives you cravings.  Not convinced? Did we tell you she was left paralyzed … but then regained her ability to walk through sheer force of will? She also didn’t suffer any of those New Age, sissy boy “psychological effects” either and continued to fly like nothing happened. As a bonus she collected a Guinness World Record for her troubles.  Want to see if you’re as tough? No problem all you have to do is jump off the equivalent of 26 Empire State Buildings.
In case you’re wondering, a fall like that takes about three minutes, which should be plenty of time to contemplate death (and every single bad decision you’ve made in your life) and after that, don’t forget to live, break your back, fall into a coma, become paralyzed and then recover, which we figure is the hard part.

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Most Secure Bicycle Lock Method [Photos]

In addition to firefighters, there will be no one else can steal your bike is locked in this way

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How to Efficiently Transporting Bricks [Video]

Apparently there is a practical and efficient way to transport nearly two dozen brick without any equipment. All we need is a strong collarbone and then do the same thing as is done by the people of Bangladesh.

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Pathetic! Age 3 Years Girl Hit By a Car, Ignored by People Who Through

This is really a very sad human tragedy. A 3-year-old girl playing in the market area of ​​Foshan, China, had an accident and his body was lying dying on the streets simply ignored by the people around him.

The fate of poor children began when she was suddenly crushed the front wheels van that was passing, the severity, the van did not stop and instead re-grind the poor boy with the back wheel.

And that will make your heart cry out back is the fact that almost none of those who care about the condition of this poor child is just lying in the street. There are 20 people who crossed the body of a child who was dying without doing anything, even a vehicle could shake a child's feet once more, until finally a woman took the initiative to seek the parents of the child.

The boy apparently was rushed to hospital by her parents. Unfortunately we do not get complete information about the fate of this poor little girl.

Warning, the video below may not be suitable to be listened to by minors.

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Destinations for the Broken-Hearted

Finding a piece of the planet that hasn’t been overrun by gooey-eyed honeymooners or love-stoned newlyweds, however, can be tricky. Possibly the last place someone newly single would want to vacation solo is a honeymoon-hotspot like Mexico or the Bahamas and popular sight-seeing cities like Paris or Venice, with their rose gardens and gondola rides, are far too romantic. A love-wary singleton needs a place where she can binge on cookie dough and Alanis Morisette songs in peace. The following is a list of 10 such places.

Museum of Broken Relationships – Zagreb, Croatia The Museum of Broken Relationships can be a choice destination for those in need of reassurance that they are not alone in their heartache.

The Museum of Broken Relationships is the answer to the question: “What do you do with your ex-girlfriend’s garden gnome or your ex-boyfriend’s model sailboat collection, after the relationship has ended?” The museum exhibit, which has a permanent home in the capital city of Croatia but can be seen on tour in art museums and shopping malls across Europe, the US and Asia, features a collection of artifacts donated from bitter or bereaved ex-lovers. The relationship mementos range from photos and poems, to teddy bears and wedding dresses and even a vial of tears.

Though the previous owners’ identities are kept anonymous, each artifact is accompanied by an explanation of the significance of the object and why it was donated. A prosthetic leg, for instance, was gifted to the museum by a war veteran after the end of a relationship with his physical therapist and an axe, which one jilted Croatian woman used to chop her ex’s furniture to pieces, was donated after she discovered her girlfriend had fallen in love with another a woman. The Museum of Broken Relationships can be a choice destination for those in need of reassurance that they are not alone in their heartache or at the very least, for those in need of a new home for their ex-boyfriend’s Scooby Doo underpants.

Juliet’s Wall - Verona, Italy Wall of love in Juliet's house.

When you’re feeling like no one can relate to the depth and devastation of your pain, a visit to the residence of one of the most famed star-crossed lovers in literary history might help. Because who better to relate to the suffering caused by an ill-fated love than the girl whose husband killed her cousin, fled the city and then committed suicide? Though the famous balcony in Verona is fictitious, the stories of heartbreak inked in the letters on the wall below it are very real.

Every day, people from all over the world visit the supposed-former Capulet residence to ‘mail’ letters to Juliet. A team of volunteer ‘Juliettes,’ acting as part-postal service and part-therapists, regularly collect, read and respond to the letters, offering their sympathy and advice. It may be a tourist gimmick, but sometimes the simple act of penning your past to paper can make for a speedier recovery.

Amsterdam Amsterdam xxx.

Amsterdam, a city once home to the painter famous for presenting a prostitute with a severed piece of his left ear, makes an ideal choice for those wishing to tourniquet their bleeding hearts with something a little stronger than mint chocolate chip ice cream. Not only can you drink yourself silly at any of the 1,200 pubs in Amsterdam but thanks to relaxed social norms, you can also smoke yourself stupid at one of the over 200 coffee shops or have your wounded ego tended to at a brothel in the city’s red light district. Or if it’s a little perspective you’re looking for, you can also opt to explore the attic where Anne Frank lived, take a World War II history tour or visit the Torture Museum.

Singles cruise to Mexico A singles cruise is a good option for those who embrace the theory that the best way to get over an old relationship is to dive headfirst into a new one.

A singles cruise is a good option for those who embrace the theory that the best way to get over an old relationship is to dive headfirst into a new one. Though the only thing you may leave the cruise with is a sunburn, there is always the chance that you’ll meet that special someone in the process. At the very least, you’ll get to spend a week sailing along the Mexican Riviera and partying with people that are, ahem, in the exact same boat you are.

The Library Hotel – New York, New York This Manhattan boutique hotel is ideal for broken-hearted bookworms in need of a comfortable couch, a good book and a quiet weekend alone.

For an escape from reality that’s a little gentler on your liver than tequila shots in Puerta Vallarta, you can venture into the world of literature at the Library Hotel. This Manhattan boutique hotel is ideal for broken-hearted bookworms in need of a comfortable couch, a good book and a quiet weekend alone. Because included in every room at the library hotel is a collection of books, which in keeping with the library theme, are ordered by the Dewey decimal system.

Each of the 60 rooms has an assigned subject matter, making it possible for guests to choose from a wide-variety of topics ranging from ‘Poetry’ to ‘New Age’ to ‘Paranormal’ (though it probably goes without saying that the ‘Love’ or ‘Erotic Literature’ themed rooms should be avoided). Unlike in the public library, talking (and crying, sniveling and sobbing) in the Library Hotel is allowed.

A butler or maid cafe – Tokyo, Japan A maid café operates in a similar fashion, except the wait staff is female and dressed like French maids.

When you’re a guest in one of Japan’s butler or maid cafes, you’re treated like royalty. In butler cafés, women receive their own personal man-servant whose job it is to answer to their mistresses’ every beck and call. Each woman is given a bell upon being seated, which she can ring whenever she needs her bread buttered or seat cushion fluffed or simply whenever she wishes to be showered with complements. This service works well for the recently dumped because as many would agree, there’s no greater confidence boost than being told by a handsome, well-dressed stranger that you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on.

A maid café operates in a similar fashion, except the wait staff is female and dressed like, you guessed it, French maids. The maids giggle, flirt, refer to their patrons as ‘master’ and even sometimes perform cheerleader-esque song and dance routines. Both butler and maid cafes have English-speakers on staff and one butler café in Tokyo, the aptly-named “Foreign Butler Café” employs only English-Speaking foreigners.

Dolphin therapy – Bali, Indonesia Dolphin and a girl.

Although the dolphin therapy offered at the Melka Excelsior Hotel Resort in Bali, is geared more towards those suffering from actual broken hearts (as in heart disease and stroke), a week spent relaxing on the beach and swimming with Flipper’s cousin surely can’t hurt. The theory behind the dolphin therapy is that daily interaction with animals reduces stress and relieves depression, both which tend to exacerbate illnesses. Therefore, in addition to dolphin therapy, guests at this resort can visit a wildlife animal park, a butterfly park, go horseback riding on the beach or attend horse therapy sessions. While an hour-long session with Mr. Ed may not solve all of your problems, considering room rates start at just 70 dollars per night, it might just be well worth the try.

Build houses with Habitat for Humanity Girl building a house with Habitat for Humanity.

They say that the best way to rid yourself of your problems is to help others rid themselves of theirs. Building a house for those in need of one is certainly one way to do that, but if helping humanity isn’t enough of a draw, just think of the work out you’ll receive in the process. A week spent hauling plywood around a construction site in New Orleans, for example, will mean that not only will you be too busy and sore from all of the hard labor to mope or obsess about your ex, but after it’s all over, you’ll be able to return home slimmer, fitter and with a heaping dose of karma points to carry over into your next relationship.

Meditation and yoga retreat – Nevada City, Northern California Meditation and yoga retreat in Northern California.

A meditation retreat helped heal divorced Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert, so why not you? Although she traveled to an ashram in India, you don’t need to go that far (or fancy) in order to escape for some quiet reflection and meditation. Northern California has a simple yet serene forest retreat center called The Expanding Light, which in addition to vegetarian meals, daily meditation sessions and yoga workshops, offers Ayurveda massages, astrology consultations and a five-day all-inclusive course for women entitled “Divorce: Springboard for a Fresh Start”.

Kick-boxing retreat, – Barcelona, Spain Advertised as a retreat that will “transform your physical and mental wellbeing,” the activities offered include classes in personal training and kickboxing as well as massage therapy and organized sight-seeing trips.

Sometimes the anguish of a breakup can be so great that all the yoga, introspection and leafy vegetables in the world just aren’t enough. There are times when you may think that you won’t ever be able to successfully move on until you’ve planted a big beautiful fist into that lying, slime ball’s face. ‘Of course, acting on this impulse could land you a one way ticket to prison. Thus, a wiser choice may be to enroll in a kickboxing retreat in Barcelona.

Spring Health Kickboxing, based in London, England, holds yearly kickboxing retreats in various villas across Europe. Advertised as a retreat that will “transform your physical and mental wellbeing,” the activities offered include classes in personal training and kickboxing as well as massage therapy and organized sight-seeing trips. It’s a fitting choice for those lovelorn souls searching for a safe outlet for their pent-up rage.

Image sources:

- http://explorerartemis.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/p1000832.jpg
- http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/217/b/c/Juliet_Wall_by_Yumi558.jpg
- http://crystalbruneau.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/p1010784.jpg
- http://www.youngshome.net/cruise2008/pool_party_1.JPG
- http://cdn.homedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/513.jpg
- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjxpXBw9CkEJUhO64zdpc1xhZF8m-9dOctC_86Fjq5h67o0GeLru22ik-5s7WI0Bg-R8REjfmn2bdrvqnXRANCXByAvY5pCqMwf6-XFJtvX81oSAn1xU33jg-5qXtPhgYUvcBS_ZIyZVEI/s1600/IMG_3193.JPG
- http://bna-art.s3.amazonaws.com/www.bootsnall.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Dolphin.jpg
- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjXeR1ZSkdJHSyz6nxFIf8jgB7UqO6lxS_jQC_a5qm9_I9y6UHULbKzHpmqqIx9hOy6g1AwR1DBFcyeD2WGet2GW3wbKPjC5mmHTbVw8o72tUFEDHg3kzJefAoqWy0NFC0vu19aCEh36hTx/s1600/habitat+1.JPG
- http://www.rachidphoto.com/images/blogImgs/yoga_0189.jpg
- http://www.suhailalgosaibi.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Kickboxing-1024x680.jpg

