Katie Alves, a makeup artist, was making with cosmetics she used everyday. Wait, this is no ordinary painting makeup, but she painted many famous animated film on the eyelids! Call it the Aladdin, Lion King, Snow White, Little Mermaid, and Entangled.
How long does it make? Well, it turns out she only takes one to two hours to complete the painting in two eyelids. In addition to her eyelids, she did the same on the other face.
And she also said, if this inspiration came when he was relaxing, and just decided to try to do a small design on her lips. She found out And She Could do it, She found great talent in herself, so SHE Continued! Cool, huh? Ah, the idea could indeed come from anywhere and anytime. And look on her amazing gallery!
Eyelids Make-Up Art
Lips Make-Up Art
Katie Alves is a very talented make-up artist, she used eye shadow to create truly artistic and colorful images, detailed scenes on people’s eyelids, lips and too on full faces. She started in October of 2010 when She sat down and just decided to try to do a small design on her lips. She found out she could do it, she found great talent in herself ,so she continued.
Personal Information
Deviant Art: http://katiealves.deviantart.com/
Tumblr: http://katiealves.tumblr.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/AngelxXxDeath
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